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Working on a task

How to work on assigned task

Natalia avatar
Written by Natalia
Updated over a week ago

First, find the task you want to work on in the Tasks Dashboard. Click on it to access task details page. First, find Task name and above it - Process name. You can click on Process name to see full information (tasks, assignees, files, comments) of this process.  

How you can work on assigned task:

  1. Read task description (if there is any). It is below task name.

2. If the task has data form, you need to fill in the fields in it. You won't be able to complete the task without filling in the required fields (highlighted in red). 

3. Complete the task. As soon as all required data is provided you can complete the task -  "Сomplete" button in the top right corner turns green. 

*** When you have "Approve", instead of "Complete" button you are working with Approval task

4. If you have any questions about the task, you can ask them using task comments. Use comments box at the bottom of the page to communicate with team members. You can upload files and @mention people there. Mentioned user will receive your comment immediately via email and inside the app.
Metatask helps with @mentioning - when you enter @ in comments box, process manager is suggested for comment.

5. Find task due date opposite task name. Make sure you'll be able to complete the task on time. You can always reschedule task due date

6. You can navigate to previous and next tasks on task details page. Use arrow buttons on the left of task name to switch between tasks.

7. You can use “History” button to view all actions performed to this task - who and when created, assigned, reopened, completed this task.

Additional actions for tasks: 

  • if you cannot work on the task, you need to unassign it from self

  • if you completed the task, but later need to continue working on it, you can reopen this task

Next article - Task data form

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