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Email notification settings

How to control which email notifications you will receive

Natalia avatar
Written by Natalia
Updated over a week ago

Metatask has a lot of notifications for all possible important events like new comments, start and completion of processes or tasks and much more.
Some of these may notifications may be less important to you than others.

If you do not want to receive some of email notifications from Metatask, you can configure this in your profile settings. 

To access notifications settings:
Open the account drop down menu and click "Profile settings" option.

Then choose the tab "Notifications" 

  • Use the link button "Check all" if you need to include all available notifications. 

  • The button "Uncheck all" excludes all notifications from your list. 

  • To add a single notification, please flag the checkbox on the left of it. To remove notification, clear the flag on the checkbox.


  • New available tasks. When new task is available to you and can be assigned to self. You can find these tasks in Available tasks list.

  • You got new tasks. When new task is assigned to you and you can start working on it. You can find these tasks in "My tasks" list in your Inbox.

  • New comment from someone on your task. When someone added a comment in one of your tasks.

  • Someone mentioned you in comment.  When you were mentioned it task comments. 

  • Your task was reopened by someone.  When you completed the task but someone reopens it.

  • Your task is completed by someone- When your task was completed by Process manager.

  • Some tasks are not available to anyone. This notification is sent to Process manager, when task is created in your process but cannot be assigned to any user. You can resolve it by manually assigning the task. 

  • Some tasks unassigned in your process. It is sent to Process managers when one of task assignees is disabled. All her tasks becomes unassigned.

  • Your tasks are due today. Daily digest about tasks assigned to you (due date is today and overdue tasks).

Notifications for Process Managers:

  • Your tasks were assigned.  This notification is sent to  Process managers when some task is manually assigned to user in your process.

  • New process started. This notification is sent to Process managers when someone starts a new process. 

  • Your process is deleted. This notification is sent to "Process Starter" and  Process managers when process is deleted.

  • Your process is completed. It is sent to "Process Starter" and  Process managers when process is successfully completed.

  • Your process is rejected. It is sent to "Process Starter" and Process managers when one of your managed processes is rejected. 

  • New comment from someone in your process.  It is sent to  Process managers when new comment is added in a task. 

  • Task is deleted.  It is sent to  Process managers when task is deleted. 

  • Task is completed.  It is sent to  Process managers when task is completed in your process. 

  • Completed task is reopened. It is sent to  Process managers when completed task is reopened in your process. 

Notifications for Process Starters:

  • You started new process. 

  • Your process is deleted.

  • Your process is rejected.

  • Your process is completed.

Notifications for Administrators :

  • Some templates are not managed by anyone. It is sent to Administrators if some templates has empty user group or disabled user as template editor.

  • Some processes are not managed by anyone. It is sent to Administrators if some processes has empty user group or disabled user in "Process manager" field.

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