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Working with groups

How to create, rename, delete groups and add or remove users

Natalia avatar
Written by Natalia
Updated over a week ago

In Metatask all users can members of various groups. So you can assign tasks to a group of people, not only to separate users. Inside these groups, people can assign tasks they want/need to perform to themselves. If some task is available to IT group, a member of this group can view it in available tasks and assign it to self. Then this task becomes unavailable for other group members. Members of one group cannot see any tasks assigned to another group.

When you sign up to Metatask, your team has the list of default groups: Accounting, HR, IT, Marketing and Sales. You can use them or delete and create your own groups as well. Only a user with Administrator role can create or delete groups and add users to them. 

To create a new group, go to account drop down menu, choose [team name] Settings, and then "Groups" tab. 

In the top right corner press button "Add new group"A sliding panel will appear on the left, where you need to enter the group name and click button "Save group".

By clicking on the group in the groups list, you can access group details panel (it appears on the right part of the screen).

Using this panel, you can rename any group (even default groups). Click the button "Rename group", enter the new name and click "Save name".

If you want to delete a group, you can just press the delete button opposite the group you want to delete. Or you can open group details panel and press "Delete group".  If you have any tasks assigned to this group, Metatask will double-check with you about the group deletion.

If you accidentally delete the group you need, the green pop-up window will appear for a couple of minutes that allows you to undo the deletion. 

If you need to add users to a new group, click the link button "Add" in the group details panel. Then choose the users you want to add from the drop-down list. 

You can later edit the list of members of any group. Just press the button link "Edit" in the group's panel and edit the list of users you see (add or delete members).

In Metatask it is possible to create a group without any members. It is also possible to create a template and assign tasks to this empty group. But when you start a process from this template, please make sure you added users to this group. Otherwise you'll get a notification that tasks assigned to this group are unavailable to anyone and you need to fix this.

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