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Sending Custom Email Notification When Task is Completed in a Process
Sending Custom Email Notification When Task is Completed in a Process

How to configure custom emails on task completion event

Natalia avatar
Written by Natalia
Updated over a week ago

When working with repeatable workflows, you may want to send custom notifications in email or Slack about a progress of specific processes. Metatask provides extensive support of Zapier and you can it to configure all sorts of custom notifications.

As example, we will configure Metatask integration with your Gmail account using Zapier.

Example: In our Vacation request process we have "Approve with project manager" task. We need to send email to corporate account "" as soon as request is approved or declined by a manager (as soon as Approval task is completed in Metatask). You can use "Vacation request" template from our Templates gallery.

NOTE: Please start and complete at list one process from template you would like to use for Zapier integration, because Zapier needs sample data from your Metatask account to help you properly configure your integration.

Steps to setup integration:

 1.  Open Integrations tab in Company profile section

  • Go to the account drop down menu, then choose "[Team name] settings", and finally click on the "Integrations" tab. 

  • Here you can select one of predefined Zapier Integrations (called Zaps). Scroll to "Send emails via Gmail for completed task in Metatask process" and click "Use this Zap".

2. Login to your Zapier account 

When you see a popup below you should login to your Zapier account to proceed with configuring of a new Zap. If you have no Zapier account use Sign up form to create it. 

NOTE: It is not Metatask account and your Metatask account login and password will not work with Zapier. 

3. Click Continue to proceed 

On this step you can see selected Metatask trigger which starts any configured action ( email sending)  as soon as task is completed

4. Connect your Metatask account for this Zap

  • Click to Connect Metatask account if it is your first Zap (Next time you can skip this step)

  • As soon as connection is added, you can click to  test it. 

  • Go to the next step by click on "Continue" button. 

5. Select Process Template which triggers email sending

On this step you should select process template so each process which is started from this template will be in scope of your Zap. As per our example we selecting "Vacation request" process template.

6. (Optional) Select exact Task in selected Process template

  • If you need to select only one task in process to trigger email sending you need to click "Show advanced options" and select the task from the list. 

NOTE: If you does not select exact task each completed task in every process started from  your template triggers email sending.

  • Click "Continue" to go to the next step.

7. (Optional) View Sample data 

  • On this step you can view sample data provided by Metatask trigger on task complete event. You can use all listed properties to build your automated email. For example, you may need task assignee or some form data to be included in email body.

  • Click "Continue" to go to the next step.

8. Connect your Gmail account

Now you need to configure action which should be done by Gmail as soon as task is completed (new email in our case). 

  • Please connect your Gmail account, email will be automatically send from this account as soon as task is completed.

  • Click "Continue" when step is done.

9. Configure Email 

Fill in all needed email fields on this step:

  • To (optional if you would like to use Cc or Bcc instead)

  • Subject (required)

  • Body(required)

You can mix text with form data for each email field.

  • Click on "Show advanced options" to view more email options

Advanced options: 

  • Cc

  • Bcc

  • Email Attachments (if you have attachment field in task form) 

  • From email - email address or alias from your Gmail Account. Defaults to the primary email address.

  • From Name

  • Reply to

  • Label/Mailbox 

  • Body

As you finished with configuring your email click "Continue" 

10. (Optional) Send Test Email

We recommend you to test email and check it in gmail inbox. 

11. Click Finish button 

Your Zap is ready and starts working. But you can stop it till the time it is needed (do not forget to switch it on again)

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