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Task Groups

Different task order inside one process

Natalia avatar
Written by Natalia
Updated over a week ago

If you have a few related tasks, cluttering your process - you can group them together using a Task Group. Group contains tasks just like folder contains files. And just like with folders you can nest groups inside groups to create a logical structure for your process.

Task group with nested tasks is similar to a task with sub-tasks but it has some additional options:

  • Tasks inside a group each could be assigned to a different users. 

  • You can control if tasks inside a group executed one-by-one or in parallel. 

  • You can set conditions for the whole group and it will be applied to all nested tasks. 

You can use task groups to create more complex workflows:

  • To add parallel tasks inside process with  sequential task execution.

  • To force a few tasks to be performed in a specific order inside a process with parallel tasks. 

  • To create alternative branches. 

  • To create parallel branches. 

  • You need to add subtasks which should be completed to complete the parent task. 

  • You have optional tasks which has same conditions. 

Steps how to add task group:

  1. Open your process template in edit mode.

  2. Open "Items" panel with  listed process tasks.

  3. Click "Add Group": you will new group at the bottom of the list.

  4. Enter "Group title" and  tasks order

  5. Configure conditions which will be applied to all groups & tasks inside this group.

  6. Move your group to the right place.

  7. Drag & drop tasks or other groups into this group if needed.

   8.  To view list of items inside the group you may click on "items" number or double click on the group.

   9.  You can move tasks outside the group, drag them to the group title & drop.

Task Group has the following options:

  • Group title. 

  • List of items included (other groups or tasks)

  • Task oder. How the list of items should be processed during process run: One by one or in any order.

  • Conditions - rules which defines if this group should be completed or not for the particular process.

NOTE: If you are not sure where to start with conditions and task groups – check out sample templates we’ve prepared for you.
Open templates gallery and look into “Examples” section:

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