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Using Conditions

How to add optional task, conditional logic, rules for tasks, show / hide tasks

Natalia avatar
Written by Natalia
Updated over a week ago

Any part of process may be optional: sometimes you need to do this part of work, sometimes not. You can make any task optional, so it is created (or not created) based on a data entered in a form. 

For example, for all purchase requests you need an additional approval by CFO if amount exceeds 50 000$. 

Each task, approval or group of tasks in process template has "Conditions" section, which allows users to set rules how to process them. By default Conditions are not applied.

How it works:

If task has some conditions based on form fields, these conditions will be checked at the moment when task becomes available to assignee.

  • If conditions matches the form fields this task will be created and assigned to assignee in the regular way

  • if conditions does not match, this task will be skipped. It means it is not available for work for potential task assignees. 

  • If task is skipped in process, next task in process (or approval, multiple tasks in task group- depends on workflow), becomes available to work on.

  • If conditions are applied to group of tasks and do not match, all tasks in this group will be also skipped

NOTE: Skipped task can be reopened by Process Manager or Administrator and task becomes available for work.

STEPS to add conditions:

  1. To use conditions you should add "Data Form" to your process template first. All form fields  configured in data form can be used to define conditions.

  2. Find the task (or approval) in Items list of process template and open conditions section.

3. You have 3 options how conditions will be applied to the task:

  • Task is always created - means no conditions applied

  • Task is created if All conditions are met - means every condition in list below should matches to make this task available for work

  • Task is created if Any condition is met - at list one condition in list below should matches to make this task available for work

4. To add new condition select form field, choose condition (list of options depends on field type) and provide value if needed.

All form field types are supported in conditions:

  • Date

  • Date & Time

  • Dropdown

  • Email

  • Files upload

  • Money

  • Multiline text

  • Multi-select

  • Number 

  • Text input

  • Yes/No option

  • User field

NOTE: If task (of groups of tasks) has many conditions and you need to know why this task was skipped or not skipped as expected,  you can check the conditions status on process view: popup shows what condition matches and what is not.

If you are not sure where to start with conditions  – check out sample templates we’ve prepared for you.
Open templates gallery and look into “Examples” section:

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