Dropdown and Multiselect fields

List with single or multiple select options in data form

Natalia avatar
Written by Natalia
Updated over a week ago

If the options for your field in data form are pre-defined and you'd like to organize them in a selection, you can use:

  • Dropdown list field allows to to select a single option from a list. For example, to choose job type in employee onboarding process, you can use dropdown field and include all job types available in your company: full time, part time, etc.

  • Multi-select field allows to select multiple options from a list. For example, to list languages your employee can speak, you can create Multi-select field with a list of languages.

Steps to configure dropdown or multiselect field:

  1. Please go to "Data form" tab, enter the field name and choose "Dropdown" or "Multiselect" type

  2. To list options for this field, press "Settings" and enter values in the pop-up window

  3. For Dropdown field you can also set the default value there

Configuring values for dropdown or multi-select field:

  1. Choose the source for values list. You have 3 options:

  • Create new table. Use this option if you would like to share one values list between multiple fields in template or templates, but it is not created as a table in Database yet. As soon as you provide list of values and click "Save changes", new table will be created and linked to this field. After that moment you can manage created table via the "Database" menu. This table will be created with single column "Title" and all entered values will be added as a records for this table. In example below, table "Languages" will be created with column "Title" and 3 records: "Spanish", "French", "German".

  • Use existing table.Choose this option is table with values for this field is already created in "Database".

In "Source table"list find and select the table.

When users view a list of options in a dropdown, each option is named using a title of related table record. You can use the "Display fields" to add more data into options names. When you add more columns, each option will be named using this formatting:

"Title Column" ("Additional column", "Additional column", ...) 

In example above you can see that "Display fields" has additional "Code" column. In the preview area you see how list of dropdown options will look like. Each option name is composed using a Title and a Code column values.

NOTE: Only columns with the following types can be used: "Money", "Number", "Date", "Date Time", "Email", "Yes/No", "Dropdown", "User".

In example above, column "Code" is added and will be displayed in a list of options along with "Title" column.

  • Provide list items. Use this option if this list of values will be used only once. So it will be saved for this field and for the current template and cannot be reused. Just type all necessary values in "Values"filed.

3. In addition, for "Dropdown" field you can also set the "Default value".

4. When you're finished with your data form, please configure visibility settings for each field in every process task.

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